Anything Goes! **CHAT**

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Melt said:
i hate it when girls get boob jobs. I mean sure they look nice, but i just dont like it when girls are so superficial like that, theres nothing wrong with having small boobs .... and in my personal experience it seems like the girls with the small boobs seem to be more self confident.
hers are big enough she just wants them bigger, why i dont know, but i threw me off when she said she wanted to, but i thought i would share, because i lmao when she did so...anyways...


New Member
yeah she going to be pissed at me, but luckly she went out of town so i have a day or 2


lol its ok i'm not scared of her, i just raise up my pimp hand and say "five across the eyes" and she backs down


New Member
lol^ i dont even have to do that. thats too much work...... ill i do is say (remember that time) and she backs down.
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