Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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Im a post whore on , thats about it. I need to step up and over my whoring skillz to here and see how fast i can blow up that post count!


*JDM Approved*
Blah. Bored time here. No work 2day!
the new girl is coming over when she gets off work. This should be interesting
*not a gf*


Unregistered User
Gorilla Unit 33! I didn't know you had a civic! lol

I really like your project on the door panals. I'm going to try that tomorrow on my day off! yay. something random too... not sure what yet, but it'll be bad ass. lol


I <3 2.4l's
I got a spedin ticket on my way hom from work, I had un hooked my radar detector on my way int work bc the door sensors make it go off

62 in a 45 but i was in a 55 and he was the in the 45.


*JDM Approved*

Don't worry, when you get a ticket for 30mph over, then you talk to me =\

GL with that though, that really sucks that you got a ticket bro.
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