Man, I'm so tight on money and will be for the next couple of months. My mom really wants to sponsor her family over from Vietnam and has been wanting to for God knows how long, so we all finally agreed to put out the money to start the paperwork. The whole process takes about twelve years before they are even eligible to come over to America, but yeah. I hope everything works out. I know it means a lot to my mom. She was SOOOO excited when I said I'd help out with the money. I haven't seen her that happy for a while. It amazes me how something so long from now can mean so much to her. I guess I just think for the short-term too much.
One of last month's paycheck = new blinds for the whole house (shutters were a couple thousand more than I originally expected, so I had to settle for them). I really want to give my mom the money when my next paycheck comes in. It's almost time for a major tune-up, too. Timing belt and water pump has to be done in about 5,000 miles, which means I need to get an air compressor soon. This kind of sucks, but whaddya gonna do, right? Family always comes first for me. I can never say "no" to them when they want or need something. I <3 family.
The end. I guess I'll go pick up my work now.
Gosh, I want to go shopping. My teg's not going to be getting any love for a while, it looks like.