For real! Everyone around here is pissed. There is a shitload of non-driving, road raging assholes around here^^^lol i was stuck in ur traffic wo weekends ago it was nasty. its about the same as in dallas but your drivers are all angry and on the edge. even the old people are ready to kick ass lol.
It sucks! I deal with it alot. I'm right near some freeway construction on I45 N in The Woodlands. It's not funVanessa said:I am familiar with Houston traffic. Thanks
lol were working on 75 and its all around the 635 area too it sucks i have to leave like 45 min early for work when i only live about 12 min away.For real! Everyone around here is pissed. There is a shitload of non-driving, road raging assholes around here
It sucks! I deal with it alot. I'm right near some freeway construction on I45 N in The Woodlands. It's not fun
You do 8k pulls on the GSXI'm so bored. I think I'm gonna go to my moms and get my car and go do a quick datalog. It would suck to get pulled over and try to explain to a cop that I'm doing full 3rd gear pulls to 8k+ rpms to tune my car. :lol:
I haven't done much since I completely built my head.
Yeah. That is where I had it set. It may get pushed a little further once the fine tuning gets done. I swore I was done buying stuff for this car but I'm running up on 80% duty cycle on my injectors. I may sell them and buy some better ones. I'm gonna need more fuelcabe said:You do 8k pulls on the GSX
.... you're fucked. lolprobably..i dunno. im not frequent on there. Im I8yourVtec over there
W00t!! Starter is drawing the right amount of power but still need to see why it wont turn the engine over
X2...but im lookin into the wiring for the automatic's neutral saftey switch..heard that can be it.... you're fucked. lol
Eh, 12hrs isnt that bad. Ive done that before. LOL, talk about DEAD after that drive. Orlando, FL to Allentown, PA. Right about 12hrs. Just making stops for gas and food. Short stops too. Was kinda fun though.... Afterwords you get a sence of acomplishment. LOLWell then I guess you'll have to send me some plane tickets... that's like a 12 hour drive :I