shut up. i'm about to cry. lol i'm so frustrated. EVERYTHING is ALWAYS wrong with my car. if it's not one thing, it's something else. it looks like i won't be doing shit today. ugh. i'm really going to need my car in the next few days, though.
does anyone know if there's a gasket where the upper radiator hose meets the engine?? the rep. at Acura said tegs use a water outlet cover, not gasket. i told the rep. at Honda what i needed and he said i'd have to pre-order the water inlet gasket. lol so which is it? is there a gasket or not? i'm confused. brother needs to come home and look at my car. he won't be home until the parts department closes, though. then i'd have to order it on monday, since they're not open on sunday. that would mean i'd never get my part. i don't even know what part i need now...