Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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Ominous G2

Powdercoater media blasts and dips it, so I might ship it out monday. I need his addy, and Im way to busy saturday to do it.


Unregistered User

I'm going to do something sweet on my D valve cover maybe when it starts getting cold... otherwise I'll just wait for the H and do something amazing on that. lol


Unregistered User
LOL!!!! SCOTT!! You have to try this... lol

go to

type "google Chuck Norris"

click "I'm feeling lucky"


Unregistered User
I'm thinking I'll bump the compression a little bit and maybe do some mild cams. that should put me over 200

Ominous G2

ive seen the chuck norris, i should get a shirt.

"Chuck norris does not tea bag the ladies, he potato sacks them.


Unregistered User
do it.

with a HUGE bag of potatos on it. lol

I'm going to bed... I have to work tomorrow morning, and one of my friend's has her mom's house to herself for the weekend so I'm sleeping on her couch. lol. I just need to be able to be awake for a while before I sleep on the couch.

Ominous G2

I was curious about something, had to do some research.

Anybody remember when the Tein Si was stolen? I never saw the recovery pics.....


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