Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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I <3 my Neon
they did a schedule change at work and stuck me on permanent graveyard shift (11pm-7am) When I told them before they hired me, that i cant work it.
It's now time for you to establish your realness, Go apeship at work and demand to be put back on day shift.


I <3 2.4l's
It's now time for you to establish your realness, Go apeship at work and demand to be put back on day shift.
Well the plant manager is gettin a call from me today, I hope to piss him off enough while hes at home to do it. But I have a feeling Im goin to come close to being fired


*JDM Approved*
I'm really fucking weak, sore lower back, temp, terrible sore throat and I got pink eye somehow... yet still gotta go to work and gonna be ONLY person in Media 2day.

I hate my work, management is becoming a bunch of complete assholes. They never ask me for shit, always the ppl that work there longer of course, yet im better @ my job then them yet they want me to fucking work all by myself sick as a dog? Jerk-offs!

Well gotta dress and go.


So is there like a rivalry between team-integra and clubintegra that I don't know about? I just got a screen name over there a month ago and put like a greeting post on there saying that i've been on here for awhile and it's got 57views and no replies, really wierd, talking about a warm welcome.


Well I really just joined because I wanted to put my stuff up on their for sale also. Other than that i'm not too fond of the forum it's not as user freindly as CI.


ill join and post a pic of the srt...See how badly i get flamed
Oh yea I posted a pic of my Mazda under my profile pics and they apparently have to approve that shit on their. So yea they didn't because it wasn't an integra. It's my profile who cares.
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