Raceline USA
Lol! I ditched myspace. I'm into Facebook now.AKA. The devil online.
X2Lol! I ditched myspace. I'm into Facebook now.
Yeah... Lol! My bad bro...No wonder u didnt comment me back! WHORE
lol, yeah... even tho I'm a hard core maker-funner of myspace, I check mine quite often... but I do facebook too, so yeah. lolMyspace?
WTF IS A FO -HAWK? :shock:She was telling me to get a fo-hawk... I was like, "You have to be kidding me... I'll try something different, but I don't think I'll go that different."l
The fag hair..LOL I had to reread it, made me laugh both timesoh i always reffered to it as the fag hair. The only guys i ever see where there hair like that are some flamers i see walking arround the city with there hand bags. I mean no offense to anyone who has there hair like that but dont be surprised if someone thinks your gay cause you sport the same haircut as 90% of the gay community in philadelphia. Seriously it looks like something the use to tickle there partners asshole or something. like why the hell would you want this little inverted ass crack down the center of your head?
Next topic: Bob VIlla and the new craftsman just for ricers tape (aka duct tape) lol j/p