Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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07 BMW 328Xi
Aite. Just wanted to make sure I don't fuck up if I go with black. How does the 5Zigen sound? I think I'm gonna go with the Spoon N1.
to tell you the truth, i assumed that it would sound as low as 03d5integra's RSX. but it came out to be louder and was angled when put on. GSR's are loud enough stock but im not sure if that's a big factor. im looking into something different as well. what does the spoon n1 sound like?

oh yeah. about the paint. are you painting the doorjams?


*JDM Approved*
So how about I just took a trip to hell and back in my dad's old p.o.s mercedes. I fucking hate that car, older 92 E330...

Long story short, Broke the pipe ext from the thermosat to the raditator hose and couldn't get it back on. So I jimmy rigged it and drove 30mph or less all the way home and normally driving I live about 30mins from where I was. I was in the rough black community. The wrong place to be.... =\
That thing was eating coolant like cookie monster and a cookie.


save a a porno
so ya whats new everybody, im going to do a canyon run later on with some other bmw's so i should have pics up soon

Ominous G2

Him training dogs to fight, also kills them. He hung them and killed one by slamming it against the ground, bet he feels like a big man now. I hope he gets killed.


Undercover mod
wow how shitty is that. how did they catch him?
thats makes me sad especially whe someone should be an icon to soceity
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