Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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I've been dealing with some incompetent motherfuckers today. From the guy at 1-800-Radiators to the man at the paint shop. I came into the paint shop and asked if he could pull my car out front so we could change the radiator and take it home...

Guy at the desk: "Which car is yours?"
Me: "The '95 Integra."
Him: "So you left a set of keys in your car that you need me to take out for you?"
"Not really. I'm just here to pick up my car and the car keys."

He starts to take out the record book...

"You're not in here..."
"I left my name and number only. Maybe it's somewhere else. I'm not here to paint my car, though."
"Let me check the paint book." (Didn't I JUST tell him that I wasn't in the shop to get painted?!)
"No, the manager just offered to pull my car in the shop because the radiator blew out front when I was dropping some parts of yesterday. I'm probably not in the books."

He checks it anyway. Whatever. I wait.

"I only see a 1996 Honda Civic in here. Are you sure that's not the one?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I dropped off a 1995 Integra. I'm probably not in that record book since I'm not getting any work done here. Maybe you can call him?"
"Oh. So what do you need?"
"I need my car and my keys back."
"So you want me to get your car keys for you then?"

He comes back with the keys and gives it to me. We just kinda looked at each other for a while.

Me: "Do you want me to go around back and get the car myself?"
"You said you just needed to get a set of keys from your car."
"Yes, and the car. The manager said that I could come by and put the new radiator in anytime today. I have the radiator, so now I need my car back."

I SWEAR, I've never met someone sooooo slow. He was really testing my patience today. At this point, he ran around the back to check the make and model of my car again. I'm not sure why. He already gave me the keys. lol

"You said your's is the Acura?"
"Yes, the green Acura Integra."
Him: "Sorry, honey, you're not getting the car today."
"Why's that? It needs to be fixed today. I have things to do. I don't want to leave it in the shop anymore."
"Come back on Monday when more people are here."
"What? Why?"
"Your car is blocked in by five other cars waiting to get painted."
"Well I'm not sure what to tell you. I'm not in to get it painted. Can you move the other cars and get mine out please?"
"I can't do that right now."
"Why not?"
"Because there are five other cars blocking it in."
Me: "I understand that. Why can't you just move them?"

That guy definitely caught me on a good day. It's not like I told him to go on a fucking treasure hunt to look for my car. He knew where it was and how to get it out. There was still an hour left before the shop closed, no other customers waiting, and just five cars to move. Lazy shithead. lol To make a really long story short, he finally brings my car out front and goes, "Is this the right one?"

lol...I shoulda made him push out all the cars and then tell him that the first one was definitely the right one. Man oh man. Slow people suck. Okay, I'm done. I feel better now. The end.


Unregistered User
damn trinh! lol, I don't think you could EVER have had the patients to deal with someone like that!

Congrats!! Your classes are finally paying off!!!
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