Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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07 BMW 328Xi
lol is this weird or is it just me. i hold on to my paychecks so i wont cash it and use it. i have one for 300$ and 400$.

Ominous G2

I like getting paid bi-weekly, makes you save more. At my old job I can remember having 4-5 pay checks chillin in the teg.


The Transporter
AWWWWW, THANK YOU! Now I just need to find the origonal

My 2 favorite cars. Subaru and Porsche. Ummmmmm, both cars win in that compition


New Member
today is when my DC4 was stolen...
ima go cruise the same spot i took the teg the same night, then come home and wait outside with a baseball bat cause i know it had to of been this civic that drives around delivering newspapers at the middle of the night...


I <3 my Neon
Man This Is Some Bullshit!!!!! Im The New Ncoic Here At Work And Now Instead Of Working 4 Days Doing 12 Hour Shifts I Work Every Fucking Day Doing 12 Hour Shifts!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Fuck!
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