Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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The Transporter
Fucking DSM. ERGGG AHHHH ERRR IGGGG. I DONT EVEN WANT TO WASTE TIME SAYING WHAT IT DID NOW! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Its just stupid shit! I mean its already fixed, but all the fucking little things!

Anyone want it? Special im pissed offer of $8500 take this thing NOW!

*all little kiddies look away from the screen now*








Fucking cunt! Son of a herpies infested mother who was a crack head giving head to a pimp named "biggie" who happened to have aids. Yea son of that whore. This tempermental little bitch, not just once a month, NOOOO this bitch is a bleeder a Hemophiliac all day every day bleeder. More blood than a Martha Stuart revenge taking place in the move Hostle. This little ass-pirate wont stop bitching, like a "My Super Sweet Sixteen" cunt who didnt get the $60k Land Rover she wanted. So now she hates her life even though she is crying into a louis vuitton pillow in her $5 million house kind of cunt. My hoe just biches and brakes on her mountain of new parts she has on.
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The Transporter
um...what it do now?
Unscrewed a clutch line from vibrations, along with manifold bolts. And it blew a J-pipe gasket. Lucky for my little bitch I was able to fix it all. Clutch i'll fix in the morning (line under car). Son of a....
Speedin said:
herpies infested mother who was a crack head giving head to a pimp named "biggie" who happened to have aids. Yea son of that whore.
Did it while I was 20 miles out somewhere, so I had to burn myself tighting the mani bolts on the side of the highway with a pair of plyers (I luckly had) as I drove back periodicly. Luckly I had clutch fluid in my "DSM broke bag." Otherwise I would have been stranded. I mean that fucker is loosing fluid fast! I dont know how the fuck it vibrated lose. All I can say is i'll have new cruch washers and a HELL of a tightening coming to it tomorow.

My car is a fucking tempermental bitch
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