Anything Goes Chat - version 4.2

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Ominous G2

Its very hard not to modify an EM1. Ordered a clutch, and getting front brakes. Those arent really mods, so Im still ridin stock.

Ominous G2

I have an interview at work this coming week, lets hope I get promoted. I know my teg could use the extra money.


Kuchtaboy said:
NO! I had to sleep last night. lol, your all 3 of your texts woke me up, I just didn't feel like responding. lol

Poor trinhy poo. Next time DON'T go to the chinese supermarket! Post up some pics, I wanna see the damage.
lol that's okay, because all TWELVE of your repetitive texts woke me up last night. asshole. you need to call your phone company about that. it hasn't stopped yet. i've been getting repeated messages from that one night at ihop. beezie! WAY over my 1000 texts a month. i'll send you the bill. lol i've had over 80 repeats from you in the last couple of days. NOT COOL!

p.s. my WHOLE fucking bumper is fucked. not just the center to left like i thought earlier. fucking assholes. if you can't park, you shouldn't drive. if you can't drive, you should just get in the back seat and make life easier for everyone else. i don't even have fucking full coverage. AHHHHH!! skanks...

***** will post pics tomorrow if i'm not busy...or lazy. lol busy day!


anything goes chat v 4.00t0r0i0n00h

^ heeeeeey between all the 0's in that title, it's my name! speedin wants me.


pkleeeeeeeeeeease don't let me hav ea hangover tomorrow. oh noes. NEW SHOES!! i <3 em

oooooooohhhhh speaking of that, i saw a nissan with a "i <3 drifting" sticker slapped on the rear bumper today in natomas. that shit had about 15 different bondo jobs on it. i thought it was kinda ironic. hehe


New Member
G3GirL said:
anything goes chat v 4.00t0r0i0n00h
oooooooohhhhh speaking of that, i saw a nissan with a "i <3 drifting" sticker slapped on the rear bumper today in natomas. that shit had about 15 different bondo jobs on it. i thought it was kinda ironic. hehe
keep it sidewayz8)


Kuchtaboy said:
sad... That can get costy if you don't do it yourself too... Time for 500+ hp rated axles! lol
those are expensive, and besides, his car doesn't even make 170whp =P

Ominous G20 said:
I have an interview at work this coming week, lets hope I get promoted. I know my teg could use the extra money.



>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
drove the toyota pick to work today... stupid shit didn't even have gas :thumbdown

how much does performance aftermarket axles cost? what brands are good for handling high power? later down the road i'll probably upgrade them

<-------- still pissed about fucked up axle. but it shouldn't be much if i do it myself. buy an O.E. aftermarket driver axle and give them my old one for a cheaper rate.

ANY OF YOU GUYS GOT ANY TIPS / LINKS ON HOW TO REMOVE AND INSTALL THE DRIVER SIDE AXLE? - i'll try searching the helms service guide and the T-I forums or something

DIY FTMFW! :thumbup:


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
DailyDrivenDB8 said:
drove the toyota pick to work today... stupid shit didn't even have gas :thumbdown

how much does performance aftermarket axles cost? what brands are good for handling high power? later down the road i'll probably upgrade them

<-------- still pissed about fucked up axle. but it shouldn't be much if i do it myself. buy an O.E. aftermarket driver axle and give them my old one for a cheaper rate.

ANY OF YOU GUYS GOT ANY TIPS / LINKS ON HOW TO REMOVE AND INSTALL THE DRIVER SIDE AXLE? - i'll try searching the helms service guide and the T-I forums or something

DIY FTMFW! :thumbup:

PG. 16-3 through 16-15 FTW!

DU MA GOOD SHIT TRINH for posting those service manuals :thumbup:
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