what were you doing last night trinh?:twisted:G3GirL said:g'morning, my little furry friends...
so i'm going to be an hour late for work this morning. i coulda been almost on time. lol shit...i can probably go right now, but i already called in and said i'd be an hour late. my boss lady didn't seem to be too happy about that. fuck her, though. i had to drop someone off.plus she failed to tell me in advance that she needed me to go somewhere with her yesterday. luckily, i happened to be dressed up for work.
gosh, i'm so sleepy.
lol, on what?dc2GS-R said:I slightly burned the lense on my right eyeball tonight. SUCKS! I feel drunk everytime I look at something.....everything is slightly blurry out of that eye
x 1,000,000,000,000Kuchtaboy said:what a douche!