Anything Goes Chat - version 4.2

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Super Moderator
Kuchtaboy said:
so you're sitting on your laptop at the bar? lol
It's just a sports bar I come to like 3 or 4 times a week. I had to work today but I wanted to watch the NBA playoffs and the De La Hoya vs. Mayweather fight so I brought my laptop because I can do everything I needed to do with it. Now I'm just waiting for this girl to get off of work


Super Moderator
Ominous G2 said:
My teg will have parts from both
I just meant the knob. I don't care for the Mugen knob, but I do like most of there stuff. They are both great companies


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
Oscar de la Hoya VS Floyd Mayweathers fight was WEAKKKKKKK! got wasted for nothing... i want some of my brain cells back!


I hate Mayweather. He's such a cocky little pussy, If he would actually fight and not stand there playing defense the whole time he would have got his ass kicked. In a real fight De la Hoya would have kicked his ass.
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