JDM_Conversion said:i did watch the news on the fire on the highway and know that it collapsed, sir. but my first assumption, might be the real reason. 8)
Shure for the inexperienced driver. If you own that car you can actually go to the porsche testing facility and they will train you how to drive their CGT. Hell, you could take classes anywhere. Oh and btw a FGT isnt much better :roll:. Its the midship layout that swings that backend without forgiveness. Not to mention in a corner in a FGT...get on the throttle hard = trees. The FGT has more low end TQ to get those tires loose than a CGT. Its all in the driver. LOL, what makes you think you could even handle a FGT TT in a straight line???? Thats more dangerous than a midship loose in a corner. I think their is a vid of a experienced guy on the 1/4 with the FGT TT, and he almost ate a SHIT LOAD of wall. That thing was on ICE under power. Maybe you owned a car were not aware of? Each car has it imperfectons. Porsche just has the least.Alexs GSR said:And then blow it all when the back end whips around :lol:
CGT = Deathtrap for unexperienced driver.
Reason why when I close on this big deal we have going, I'll be able to put a nice chunk down for a FGTand save for a TT kit :drool:
is it because i'm not there, bitchface?Kuchtaboy said:Bah.... Its a long day today..
You give yourself TOO MUCH credit Trinhy :lol:G3GirL said:is it because i'm not there, bitchface?
no... its cause someone kept IM and texting me all night...... TRINH! lolG3GirL said:is it because i'm not there, bitchface?
LOL!!Cheesenip said:its hot as shit. I detailed the shit outta the srt the other day...lookin good still till bout 30min ago..i was driving and hit some kind of bug and the amout of blood that came out that thing, i might as wel have hit a cow.