^ devil man.
shit, i just spent about $250 on makeup tonight. I ONLY GET TO KEEP ONE THING! the rest is for my friend. grrrr to her. lol i'm such a bad gift-giving person. i hope she likes it. she's not that into the whole makeup thing, though. hell, she doesn't wear it good half the time...lol i'm SUCH a bad friend... =X i <3 her, though. i <3 makeup, too. even though i don't wear it half the time. it's nice to know you have it...

god, i want to keep it. boo.
soooo coulda gotten a lip for my teg with that...
so this is our conversation tonight...
cashier girl at the store: "you're ready for your total? are you sure you want to hear it?"
me: "yes, since i'll be paying for it." har har
her: (two something...i don't remember...) so i swipe my card.
her: "do you want to sign up for our membership?"
me: "suuuure! what do i get?!"
her: "you get four points everytime you buy something here, but today you've gotten 728 points. do you want to cash out for a facial?"
me: "no...i'm an esthetician. i do my own."
her: "you should work here..."
lol maaaaaaaaan. i can't believe i did that. she only wanted shoes from victoria secret. i refuse to buy that cheap shit, though. whether she likes her gift or not! haha. at least i like it.
but yeah, like i said... =X