Anything Goes Chat - version 4.2

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07 BMW 328Xi
hey guys................................................................................................................................... im tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiippppppppppppppppppppppppppppppsy! can i spoelll risdght?


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Ominous G2 said:
Chinese was bangin.
X2. lol, then I met 2 girls that were staying at the huge resort in the dells. we went up there and I found out that they thought I had a room... They were staying with one of the dads... lol, fuck that! oh well. Now i can catch up on sleep.

Ominous G2

I had to call the jakes on this fool. He came up to my house bangin on my door, opened it to tell him to fuck off. Dude tries to come in, not gettin through me bitch. Did I mention he was fuckin wasted. So I have to hold this guy back with my forearm, why he tries to explain that his family lives here?:what: So.... I let him ramble, tell him go away or callin the cops. Typical drunk response, Do it I'll call them. Didnt seem so tough when I whipped out the cell and called the jakes. Worst part..... I look down to dial, guys dick is hangin out his underwear. Now Im worried hes gonna piss on my porch too. Last thing I needed to see, and this guy was close to gettin hurled off my porch cause of that. IT GETS WORSE!!!! He tries to leave, does a lap around my house and comes back while im on the phone with jakes. HE IS STANDING NEAR MY CAR!!!!!:shock: If he would have got closer this guys jaw would be wired shut right now, and hed be chillen in ICU for a while. I hope they find his ass.
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