Anything Goes Chat - version 4.2

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ONLY couches pull out!!!!
yea...i have a lot of friends who go there.....its really sad...i have touched base with most of who i know.....jimmy still eats dogs.


Cheesenip said:
um...oops, i mean some. go ahead, send em, send a pm ill give u my addy :D
alright, but you'll have to eat around the mold that'll grow when it finally gets there.


rawrrrrrr!! i need to go to nordstrom and sephora today. i need to get a present for one of my friends. it's her birthday on thursday. then i gotta fork out money for the birthday dinner which is PROBABLY going to be at some ridiculously expensive restaurant, because that's how she does it. uggh.

thennn i gotta get one of my nephews a birthday present, too. second oldest sister as well, since her birthday's on may 5th anyway. i might as well get all the shopping out of the way. lol i usually REALLY like the mall, but i don't get to buy anything. i've been wasting money on stuff i don't need lately. bahhhhh hum bug!


I <3 2.4l's
All windy today, like 30-40mph all 8urcivc and my self went to walmart and bought a was awsome, had it 100ft up and the sucker came down into a tree...we got it out a few times but it was a goner later on in the day.

Heres 8urcivic and my kite

heres it all 100ft up

ok heres the tail stuck in once tree

Heres the other part way up there in another tree

we also blew up some 2liter bottles toay, ill up load the vids tonite and post those also


New Member
Hey guys, I'm new here... kuchtaboy convinced me to join. I normally stick to my VW forum (vwvortex) but I figured it wouldn't be a bad idea to check out another forum and meet some other cool people who are into cars! Besides, I always like a clean Honda! Kuchtaboy has shown me some pretty sick cars off this site. I'm always down for helping a growing community... uh grow.

Yes, I drive a Volkswagen...

Just wanted to say hey...


szymanski said:
Kuchtaboy has shown me some pretty sick cars off this site.QUOTE]

welcome to CI. on behalf of the members here, i'd like to let you know that kutch is a fag. the end.
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