Anything Goes Chat - version 4.2

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New and fresh.
I just sometimes wish people grew balls and take chances for the things they want, not dick around and go completely around the subject and then complain about loosing their chance.


Unregistered User
I know what you mean man....

so the other day there was this chick, right? well... I could have went up and talked to her, but... I dunno. I WISH I WOULD HAVE FUCKING TALKED TO HER! lol

^^Something like that?


New and fresh.
^^ hell yeah. I'm fucking SICK of my boys telling me that shit. Then they have the odacity to tell me i'm whipped for being in a relationship.

Fuck them niggas.


lol You guys are such pansies. Starting to sound like some of my girlfriends.

Man, I think Cosmo skimped me an issue last month. I didn't get the issue with Eva Longoria on it. I have the new one with Carrie Underwood, though. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I like the makeup, sex, and fashion articles in Cosmo, but the rest of the stuff is crap. It's kinda like watching Maury. You know you shouldn't, but you just do sometimes.


No. lol That's just what they have on the cover to lure you in.

This month's cover: "Carrie Underwood, Beauty Tips That Save You Bucks, 10 Things Guys Crave in Bed, How to Climax Together, The Surprising Trait 80% of Men Find Sexy, Real-Life: She Tricked a Murderer Into Sparing Her Life, Tight Abs, 9 Times You Won't Burn in Hell for Being Bitchy, and Read His Dirty Mind." lol

The crap parts are usually the relationship stuff. Bunch of gay stuff I'd never do NOR will I ever say.

Ominous G2

I was asleep since 4am this morning to about 7:30 PM. Woke up for an hour and went to grocery store, I didnt even fell comfortable driving. This cold is fuckin weak, I think its the Bird Flu.


GOD, these shoes are fucking hideous...

Who wears that?? I could find better ways to spend $397.


New Member
i went to the honda dealer and test drive a honda fit.... lol i cant stop thinking about it!
the sales man thought i was gonna trade my rsx for it lol. man the gauge looks so nice just like the tsx!
arrrgg maybe one day ill own a fit and add a mugen front end and lower it and jdm tail lights and call it a day...
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