Anything Goes Chat - version 4.2

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New and fresh.
As many of you know I drive an automatic LS integra... i've always driven it in "D4". I noticed I get around maybe 180-240miles a tank... which is not all that great imo. Aren't I suppose to be getting like 30mpg+/ 300miles+ to the tank?

If I put it in like... say D3 or 2 or 1, would I get better gas mileage?


300mpg? damn...
damn it, i wonder what is like to be without vtec ? =\

is it wrong of me to like these rims ?


07 BMW 328Xi
technically it depends on how you drive. stop and go will be a cause. and if you accelerate harder than usual. some people let the car roll then gas smoothly. i always thought it was better to be in D4 because dont you stay in a lower rev hence less gas used?


New and fresh.
in D4 the car definitely accelerates to MUCH higher RPM's when gassed... in D3 and stuff it gradually goes down, in "1" it's like.... stabbing myself in the eye when accelerating; assentially like driving a stock honda civic DX...


a.k.a. crabs!
i could pull them off. maybe not with the color car i have... but if i had a white teggy with the jdm front i would rock the pink wheels... just to say i can lol
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