*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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Unregistered User
lol. Sooo.... What would you do if your friend was 19 years old and dating a 14 year old.

No mojo, this isn't me, it really is a friend.


New Member
Kuchtaboy said:
lol. Sooo.... What would you do if your friend was 19 years old and dating a 14 year old.

No mojo, this isn't me, it really is a friend.
i would say " what are ya nuts?" :lol:

im 19 and lowest i would go is 17


Unregistered User
The worst part is "they're in love" and he doesnt seem to get the results of her parents turning him in.

They already told him to leave their daughter alone, and he doesn't fucking listen. Anyone else? what would you do?


New Member
i hate today! its the worse day i had in a long time! my front right tire blew up! and i had to put on a spare tire. and now i have to buy me a new tire tommrow. this sucks! good thing it didnt went on the freeway.....


Kuchtaboy said:
The worst part is "they're in love" and he doesnt seem to get the results of her parents turning him in.

They already told him to leave their daughter alone, and he doesn't fucking listen. Anyone else? what would you do?
dude that is so fucking retard...omg ur friend deserves to be in jail....u dont even have to be sleeping wit her to be arrested..he can just be hugging and kissing her and that is consider sexual assualt....i'm pretty sure her parents will draw the line sooner or later and call the fuckin cops


Type R
i'm 20 and i'm my g/f is 17 but were like 2 years nd 3 months off in age cause she is turning 18 soon... that would be like me dating her little sister that just turned 14... that is absolutely disgusting and wrong... i hope the parents step in and do whats right... and they have to make them realize it wont work until they get older
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