*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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The Transporter
Kuchtaboy said:
well. looks like Mark is on now... lol, Maybe you 2 can have a good reunion! lol
HAHAHA, knew it. Thier was a thread where the mods were talking about it possibley being him. He did good this time I must say hiding alot of little details. But he shouldnt have said he was in Huston, or K>B, or the project. The "building it for a hatch" bit did throw me off. Oh, well we now have 100% confermation. Lets see....I got him once, G3 got gim the 2nd time, Omni's turn??


The Transporter
imtheloserone said:
how did it take u so long? trinh knew on the 2nd day
Well we wanted definate proof. The thread was made the day you joined. LOL. I could tell by how you talked to Trinh HAHA.
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