*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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save a whore..buy a porno
lmaorofl its ok mojo just admit that you do own a minivan and have a 400 lb polyniesian gf that continues to put out kids, dont lie


The Transporter
Kuchtaboy said:
how does she fit?
Rides in the bed. Why else would he have a truck. I hear he has to get a F-350 turbo diesel because when she rides with him he has trouble up hills :lol:


New Member
well tonight was kinda amusing. i was going with my freind down to union city to get some food to eat and some guy on a white 4 door teg possibly a gsr pulls out of taco bell and follows me all the way to union city,i think about 4-8 miles he followed. he like rev at me on the streets while i was driving then once we hit the freeway i punched it and veerooom! and damn he followed me all the way! non stop followed me into the plaza and when he made a left turn in then plaza i turn right and i was like stop following me i need food lol. i had never had someone that desprate to race me to another city lol. guess he was bored or something.


Type R
me and my boy meet up with sum kid that sold him an ls harness for his crx. the cool part about it, is that his friend has a CF hood and is selling it. SO i maybe be picking one up sooner then i expected :)


:evil: Why are some guys SO fucking retarded? It pisses me off. Don't call me giving me your dime store psychology babble about why you think I said what I said and why I "act the way I do." Here's a thought...maybe when I said "stop calling me," it really meant STOP CALLING ME. I would have really liked to keep him as a friend and strictly that, but that doesn't look like it's going to work because he keeps pushing shit on me that I don't want. SEEEEEEEEEEEEE he's fucking calling AGAIN right now as I post. He already blew up my voicemail and now he's onto text messages. Fucking assholeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I'm seriously irritated. GRRRRRRRRrrrrrrr The fucking end.


damnit speedin....she dont want u dude..give it up

yea i rather have a f-350 turbo disel rather than a tacoma
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