Anything Goes! **CHAT** v2

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MoJoJoJo said:
there's a thing call AC use it! lol my house is ice cold...i had to use a blanket last nite...everything is so much more fun when i'm i'm sober its boring
lol fuck...i don't remember posting so much shit yesterday. i mean i know i posted a lot, but i don't even wanna check what i wrote anymore. on the bright side, i don't have a hangover. soooooooocooo!! :thumbs up


oh's gonna be 110 today. it was 113 here yesterday. i don't like. staying the fuck inside where it's cool.


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
not that hot today as it was yesterday... i wonder what the laydee's are wearing today?.... not much i hope :lol:

who like short shorts?

<----- i like to SEE chicks in short shorts :thumbs up


lol nah it was her tits i remember, we sitting at the table...and she's the waitress, so she comes and sit next to me wants to have a couple drinks, i didnt really pay alot of attendtion to her...cuz i was digging her at all, but she kept rubbing her tits on me but i was drunk so i didnt care.


sooooooooooo freaking hot! i need to go to the store but i don't want to leave the house.


SilverDB8 said:
lol i dont wanna work cause there's a/c here.... and i'm too poor for a/c @ home >.<
i think the heat's getting to you because i didn't quite understand that one..isn't it a good thing if you have a/c at work?


New Member
yea i have work in an hr. i really afraid going in my car its out in the sun.... its an oven car! its gonna suck when i get in espically my aluminum shift knob :O! at least my work has ac and free soda lol


poor trinh she doesnt have ac...and the worst thing is, she works outside! ....see most hookers work at nite, cuz its cooler and ppl pick up hookers at nite to avoid being obvious... but trinh.? the's crazy...she likes to do it in the day time..

trinh u silly hooker


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
G3GirL said:
i think the heat's getting to you because i didn't quite understand that one..isn't it a good thing if you have a/c at work?
lol i think i meant.... i dont wanna leave work cause there's a/c here


MoJoJoJo said:
poor trinh she doesnt have ac...and the worst thing is, she works outside! ....see most hookers work at nite, cuz its cooler and ppl pick up hookers at nite to avoid being obvious... but trinh.? the's crazy...she likes to do it in the day time..

trinh u silly hooker
shaddap, faggot.
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