^.^Anything Goes Chat for Noobies!^.^


J13 sooo mad
WTF?! i drop 200 dollars on the gf for a date night not a cent on the teg this week and suddenly i treat her badly :(
sure sign to ditch this lady.

My woman doesnt complain about what I spend on my car because I pay for it all myself and still pay the bills. come at me. LOL


New Member
Short shifter ghetto rigged and installed. Throws seem a bit shorter and shifter its self seems about an inch lower. wont complain for free.


^this, lol...when parts wear, they need to be replaced. I am the car person in this relationship and get to decide what i use to replace, hahaha... Speaking of which...my current header is looking awfully worn :rolf:


Heh heh, but at least you have the option to make good coffee!
=( Unfortunately not. I'm at the other shop today. My baller machine is at the repair shop. lol :cry:
well dam, i was gonna post that i just woke up, i hated working saturdays
X2! Especially on Labor Day weekend. Means no traveling.
its a woman thing, she dosent need to know what you do to your car;)
Psh. Not THIS woman. lol I could careless what he does with his car, because there will come a time when I buy something outrageously priced like a purse or shoes that he won't understand. lol When that happens, I don't want to hear shit.


Psh. Not THIS woman. lol I could careless what he does with his car, because there will come a time when I buy something outrageously priced like a purse or shoes that he won't understand. lol When that happens, I don't want to hear shit.
That's my problem. She NEVER buys herself anything! I even encourage her to, but she just doesn't. It's wierd. I have to take her out and say "We are spending x amount on you...go". And then she says "What do you want for your car?". She is smart.


That's my problem. She NEVER buys herself anything! I even encourage her to, but she just doesn't. It's wierd. I have to take her out and say "We are spending x amount on you...go". And then she says "What do you want for your car?". She is smart.
Hahaha awwwwwwww, she's sweet! People are usually encouraging me not to buy so many things for myself.........:( lol