Has he enrolled in trolling rehab? Or at least taking the troll patch so it isn't too much of a shock? :lol:I was Texting him last night. You're right he is taking it hard, but i think he'll be fine. I think I reminded him it was just the internet, I can't remember for sure, haha.
That's one hell of a workers comp claim. Prob would've been cheap to hire movers instead wasting your guys time and productivity.Not a good morning. I work in an office, but we recently expanded into a third building across the parking lot. We were moving stuff today and we're all in suits because work won't get movers. One of my buds dropped a table on his foot and broke it. Probs gonna go to the hospital soon to see him
Feel you on that bro. I'm an assistants manager where I work and whenever my manager goes on vacation its basically me running the store because the other assistants just thinks showing up to work is good enough to get paid.I hate picking up co-workers slack. I've been doing 3 people jobs on top of my own because there too lazy to do anything...