thanks, makes washing them 1000x easierNice swimming pool
HAHA thats slapzillaI like your purple shirt too
thanks, makes washing them 1000x easierNice swimming pool
HAHA thats slapzillaI like your purple shirt too
Ya that one like I said is the first real dog I remember having, got her at like 5 or 6 and lived thru 2 litters of 15 puppies, lots of other stuff including tumors and skin problems the last half of her life. But she was happy up until a week before we took her in and looked happier than she had ever been on the car ride over. The other golden adopted us. Found the owners and in the week we had him he fell in love with our female. They ended up giving him back to us after another week because he was so depressed. Went fine for a couple years but then he started escaping daily. In 10 years I would say he got out maybe 9.5 years worth of times and unfortuately as he got older he got slower and ended up getting hit by a car:cry: We couldnt even stay to watch them put him down:cry:
Oops. HahaHAHA thats slapzilla
I couldnt believe they did it, they had a little boy who was absolutely in love with the dog. He walked the couple houses down 2-3 times a week to come see him. It was actually really sad and my parents did not want to take the little boys dog away from him.That was awfully sweet of them to give him to you guys. I hope the people who hit him stopped. Our male Chow Chow was also hit by a car and dragged for blocks. The assholes who did it never stopped. My parents thought he was dead. I remember them opening the garage on a rainy day after having come home from work, the male bolting out and down the main street, my dad chasing after him with me a bit behind, then I heard a HUGE THUD and just turned back, started crying, and walked home in the rain. My dad came back later and said the dog died. We kept crying and begging my dad to take him to the vet and, luckily, my parents did. He was burned pretty bad, lost his tail, and had pins put in his legs, but he was a trooper. He toughed through it all. He died many, many years later, though. Our girl dog died first (we think something bit her in the backyard) and then a couple months later, the boy dog died. I think he died because he was so depressed. Sad times.
Hahahaha!! Gooooood shit!so on a lighter note......
just submitted a new definition to urbandictionary...... hopefully it will be up tomorow.
a brother with a large afro who lives in a place with lots of ass, but lets his girlfriend ruin his life and spend all of his money, resulting in him having a lame Acura Integra
Trinh: Gurley quit acting like an Afroman18
Gurley: WTH was i thinking?!?! *Breaks up with gf and buys a roof spoiler*
Whereeeeee are you going, hun?And on that bombshell.... I'm out.