I found this dog on Tuesday, after it ran into my work's driveway while I worked on my day off
I took it to my friend on my lunch break because I knew she'd take care of it. I didnt know she would plan to try and keep it for herself and even name it..
Our text conversation for when I wanted to take him to the vet to see if it was chipped yesterday went like this.. She said she wanted to go Saturday (and I know shes free, shes home schooled now). I asked her intriguingly..
me: "why Saturday?"
her: "why not Saturday"
me: "why not today?"
her: "why today"
me: "to find its (godamn) owner"
her: "you're starting to annoy me, I'll talk to later, bye"
Tonight, I was going to make some posters at work to put up at the next door apartments as I had a feeling it may have been from there. As I'm uploading my pics of him, I decide to try Craigslist again tonight. I came across this:
Call them, get patched through to a lady who is the owner, tell her I can get him for you tonight. We meet up at my work and I tell her the whole story from when he ran onto the campus all the way to the loss of communications with my friend. I tell her I took some pictures of him before I left and I zoomed in on his face, and it showed the goop on his face, which my friend said the previous owner didnt take good care of him because it had goop in his eyes. That was enough evidence for me. Thats why it didnt have a collar, because they were going to give him a bath.
She told me they went to all the shelters in the area, and they all told them that people don't return that kind of dog.
I didnt bother telling my friend we were coming over, as the lady followed my car. We go there, I knock.. Wait.. My friend opens the door, gives me the "evil eye, wtf are you doing here" stare.. I tell her the owner is here, and she opens the door more and she sees the dog and says its name and it comes up to her. We thank her, and leave.
She tells me that she forgot her wallet at home, and i told her I didnt care about the reward, I just wanted to do the right thing, but she assured me that I'd be hearing from her soon.
I may have made 1 girl sad, but goddamnit I just made at least 5 happy, good day, good day
They've owned him for 7 years