Thanks for the replies everyone. I already told him theres no way I'm raising it, nor do I want to go lower than what it already is, but if he has problems with my "low" car, then he'd hate all you slammed herrafrush guys :lol:
What bothers me and pisses me off is that these goddamn tires were not bald by any means and still had tread, so now they're just wasted, and my dad doesnt get back till Sunday, so I wanted to wait on him for his input as well.
My friend works at Goodyear, said they'll give me a free alignment check, but does that check the toe as well? Can they adjust the toe? Or is he going to give me another lame response that its impossible since its lowered..
btw fuck rubber, it obviously hates me.. First the timing belt, causing an expensive rebuild, now expensive tires.. Luckily I dont break any of those thin rubbers
