^.^Anything Goes Chat for Noobies!^.^

DC Guardian

Uniqueness defines
Finally started working on my car today lol. Got most the stuff off just gotta take off the crank pulley, timing covers, and timing belt. Going to drop the oil pan and check the rod bearings tomorrow probably. Meanwhile in Arkansas walmart. (not me)

Sent from my DC4


I'm going to go ahead and guess that i'm pretty lucky, Oil pump went out awhile back, Drained the oil, No metal shavings at all. Magnetic drain plug had no metal shavings so I was like okay maybe it's all in the pan lol. After I took all the timing belt stuff off I dropped the pan and no metal shavings in the pan either o.o I even drove about a quarter mile with no oil pressure. Cams look normal too. Crazy


Fat guy in a little coat.
I spy a... razor scooter lol

Thats all i got from thise pics... jk, thats a nice trio you have there, and a lot of space !


Haha maybe when I get done swapping the oil pumps, Taking off the front bumper is a pain in the ass and i'm not spraying it on the car cause I don't want the paint on anything else. Lol. Still stuck on the damn crank pulley. Split my 19mm socket in half I gotta buy a impact socket or something I got the oil pan held on my 2 bolts atm. As soon as I get the crank pulley off, take off timing covers, and slide the belt off i'm at the oil pump.


Yeah newspaper and masking tape lol. I'll go and see if I can get behind the front bumper to block everything behind it off. Lol


The other asshole
Just tried out my dslr after years of shitty point and shoots and cell phones... I feel like I just got a shoulder rub from Eva mendes while Kate upton was giving me a blow job on a boat in the sky.


The other asshole
I assure you, They do not come in the box but the feeling you'll get from using it is quite similar.


Fat guy in a little coat.

Point and shoot FTW!

lol... samsung galaxy tab2 camera i what i use, unless its my ultra advanced hi tech pantech cell phone camera...

Combined thats like 4 megapixel lol