something tells me you would enjoy that video :roll: LOL
When that happens I end up costing myself more, because I end up breaking shitMan, I was thinking of the crap I can buy with my tax refund and when I did my taxes all I got was a fucking bill, fucking IRS rips a new one once again
Haha, atleast you end up getting what you wantWhen that happens I end up costing myself more, because I end up breaking shit
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This is what I imagine all you guys look like. Especially R13.
I went to 2 IFO's last year with a bunch of friends and it was always fun times, At the louisiana one all of us went to pizza hut for lunch, Friend nick went to the bathroom and we all thought it would be funny if we blocked the door off with a wooden baby high chair so he couldn't open the door. He kept asking us to move it. I guess he got alittle angry and he was like if you guys don't move it i'ma bust this door down. We all just laughed and had our phones out recording. Next thing you know you hear him hit the door, We giggle, Than he kicked the door again and this baby chair explodes in pieces and the door flies off the hinges. I was like holy s*** and everything got all serious real fast lol. some of us started walking back to the table slowly and the others ran outside real quick and got in the cars. Lady was like someone call the police lol than none of us were at the table by the time she finished that. We all got in the cars and left and went like 1 mile down the road. Than realised the only way back to IFO is to go PAST the pizza hut we just did that at. So we're all sitting at this dead end like 10 cars sitting in a dead end like wtf do we do. Lol we figured there'd be cops all over pizza hut so we all cruised as quietly as we can. Past the pizza hut and as soon as we turn away from pizza hut we just hauled back to ifo and parked in the mix. Good times. Lol planning on TX2K13 this year and multiple more IFO's!I feel like s***
And I wanted to go to IFO tomorrow..
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