I listen to scremo, dub step, rock and I pass out. Or watch animeListen to some slower music at a low volume. Music does affect your heart rate believe it or not, which can help you sleepworks for me anyway. Or think about your dreams for your car.
None. ur screwedcounting sheep makes me focus, i am watching tv, i already took a shower, gf is alseep, i dont smoke.. :/
anymore suggestions?
haha i will try that oneShut your eyes and tell your body to go the frick to sleep :lol:
Hey tony. Im yvonne. I say go with the amber lights... They just llook better imoFound some fog lights I might go with from eBay with the yellow tint, probably go back to amber corners and still deciding on clear lens and shrouds.
Friday is payday which means order day
Btw I'm tony
Try running around outside for a while
yea.. i lost.. thats all there is too it. lol He just had a better power to weight ratio and started to pull away.okayuppyeyes:
that night night story wasnt that good either :/yea.. i lost.. thats all there is too it. lol He just had a better power to weight ratio and started to pull away.
Oh nat geo on tv.. haha