^.^Anything Goes Chat for Noobies!^.^


(╯°□°)╯ ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
mine are close.. I guess my embryo half decided which gender I'd be :lol: my gf's is pretty close too, but shorter than the index finger. That guy must have had his fingers really noticeable


(╯°□°)╯ ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
when I came to work this morning, everything was pitch black on the streets at 7 am, like wtf? then I realize the power outs when the signal lights are off. so I cant clock in on time, more shit on the plate

Deff Baztard

New Member
yeah i guess i enjoy this job. i do laundry at a small hotel over night weekends. i mostly sit on here an watch movies but my other job i work i rental properties with a buddies dad and i really like it. super easy work. what do you do deff?
Metal Scrapper, It's kinda shitty...Sort the different types of metal, wrap em in their groups and depending on what it is, ship em out or melt them together into cubes.
And in respond to the index finger thing, I DID NOT KNOW THAT, GLAD I'm a MAN!! lol, will look at every chick I meet up with from now on to see if I'm gunna get fucked over later on LOL!!
And AGREE to Asian chicks!!

when I came to work this morning, everything was pitch black on the streets at 7 am, like wtf? then I realize the power outs when the signal lights are off. so I cant clock in on time, more s*** on the plate
Cant you just write on the punch card? Its what I do when the power cuts off, just grab the card and mark in what time I arrived, not when I start :p it's kinda awesome cause sometimes I'll show up real early and the powers out, just write it in, walk over to my area and kick around till it's actually time and more people show up..."YEP I BEEN HERE THIS MORNING AND BEEN WORKING!! WTF ARE YOU DOING?!? GET WORKING!!"
usually shuts them up..


(╯°□°)╯ ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
no i dont do the paper punch in like I did at Baskin Robbins. my new job has electronic punch with cards. sol

Deff Baztard

New Member
That's pretty dumb to be quite honest with you...should stick it oldschool with paper punch.
Plus dude, that ride's pretty sick, I gotta figure out how to get the camera working so I can post my Teg.


(╯°□°)╯ ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
im sure its different for everyone, but the method at my old job.. screw them, cheapskates.. I was just so disappoint this morning.
and thanks :D get on it, you need a profile pic & siggy