Anyone sportin' airbags?


I see I see.. I never really plan to do crazy cornering anyways. So are you saying that it actually HURTS the vehicle handling having bags?

(And the vehicles I started off wrenching on were big trucks, vehicle height matters there. You probably can't corner my truck too hard without rolling it! xD ) I was thinking of doing the air bags mainly for the looks. Well the look of a lowered car, with the ability to rise up and drive into parking lots with steep inclines.

If the handling is worse than stock, that's a no go. If it's equal or better than stock. Well I'll probably end up doing it.


New Member
Airbags will never handle as well as a conventional stock/spring combo for the same cash. If you're to use airbags, you're forfeting something, whether it means paying more, giving up ride comfort, or using less dependable parts, something's gotta give. There's a reason almost nobody runs bags. I'm all for being unique, but I think bags have a place, and that place isn't on our nimble little sports cars.


You could be right there Josh. I was kind of hoping to get some guys who are running bags to chime in. :(