Anyone else have a Kenwood deck...


I been thinking about getting a pioneer head unit with pandora. I have a really old alpine so old all the letters are wore off etc. Doesn't have many features either. Won't charge my iphone while it's plugged up etc. And it works pretty bad with ipod/iphone hard to use.


Active Member
yea...mine wont even play anymore...this deck i just ordered seems to be what i need for just the right price...hope it gets here by thursday


Active Member
hopefully i can get some answers in this thread w/o having to make a new one. i have my pioneer now installed...dear lord it sounds sooooooooooooo much better than the kenwood ever did, and i still have to tune my sounds to how i like it. i also got my cap installed, a 1 farat, which is way more than necessary w/ just an 800 watt amp and a 10" question is:

alternator options, what do i have? apparently the cap isnt doing what i thought it'd lights are still dimming with every bass drop. because my odyssey took a shit i put a fresh new battery on it and my grounds are good and fresh. so i need a higher output alternator...whats the amps in the OBD-0 alternator compared to the OBD-1 alternator? arent they interchangeable, just plug and play?


New Member
hopefully i can get some answers in this thread w/o having to make a new one. i have my pioneer now installed...dear lord it sounds sooooooooooooo much better than the kenwood ever did, and i still have to tune my sounds to how i like it. i also got my cap installed, a 1 farat, which is way more than necessary w/ just an 800 watt amp and a 10" question is:

alternator options, what do i have? apparently the cap isnt doing what i thought it'd lights are still dimming with every bass drop. because my odyssey took a s*** i put a fresh new battery on it and my grounds are good and fresh. so i need a higher output alternator...whats the amps in the OBD-0 alternator compared to the OBD-1 alternator? arent they interchangeable, just plug and play?
Not sure about the alternator question, but caps aren't really meant to cover up electrical problems. That's just something you add on an already adequate system. They don't do much of anything in your scenario. Something really cheap you can do that helps most people is upgrade the "Big 3" wires:
1) Battery negative to chassis
2) Alternator to battery positive
3) Chassis to engine

Upgrading those will lower the resistance of your entire electrical system resulting in:
1) Reduced dimming and smaller voltage drops
2) More stable voltage and better current flow
3) Less strain on your vehicle's charging system

Here's a rundown I grabbed real quick from a google search:


Active Member
i read up on the big 3 upgrade...i'm definitely going to beefen up my battery to chassis ground, i do remember that's a shitty looking ground. hopefully that'll help. thanks man


Active Member
Yeah start the the big 3. That usually helps any car. As for alternators there are actually a few guys on eBay who sell like high output respun stock ones. I've heard good things. Its either that or drop cash on a nice ass one. The legend ones also work, basically direct. But that's for obd1.. pretty sure the plugs are different for obd0.


Active Member
Yeah start the the big 3. That usually helps any car. As for alternators there are actually a few guys on eBay who sell like high output respun stock ones. I've heard good things. Its either that or drop cash on a nice ass one. The legend ones also work, basically direct. But that's for obd1.. pretty sure the plugs are different for obd0.
sweet thanks i'll return after i get my ground done :D


New Member
Only problem mine has is for a sec won't let me do anything then back to normal, or says no device is plugged in when my iPod is and not the cables have tried others.

What do you mean you can't wire it up right?