I would like to invite ANY Maryland Integra/RSX owners to a meet/cruise. The meet will be held May 10th @ the Annapolis Mall. Following the meet some of the memebers will be cruising to Ocean City for the evening and next day. The meeting @ the Annapolis Mall will take place between 8:30 A.M. and 11 A.M. We will meet at the TOP of the parking garage oustide of Borders. We are meeting at the Mall because it is centrally located to Rt. 50 and the Bay Bridge, making it easier for those interested to find it if they are from from Northern or Southern MD. IF you are interested please PM me. Let me know if you are in for the meet, the cruise, or both. Please, if you say you are in, make sure you have no conflitcing prioriteis as we are trying to get this as organized as possible.
Garrett (gofastgokart@gmail.com)