After-Market Steering Wheels


The Transporter
konerri said:
already have some kill switches in place and alarms with built in kill switch. but with no steering wheel it will deter a thief sooner if he don't see a steering wheel and not waste his time. no steering = no driving off if you don't bring their own
Thats the thing. They do bring their own. Their not stupid. The thieves out their looking for tuners are in the scene. They know the tricks. So of course theyll get a $15 ebay wheel to carry around so they can get your $1500 JDM front


New Member
im actually getting me a quick release steering wheel sometime this week lol.


speedin said:
Thats the thing. They do bring their own. Their not stupid. The thieves out their looking for tuners are in the scene. They know the tricks. So of course theyll get a $15 ebay wheel to carry around so they can get your $1500 JDM front
nop, I have a lock, which locks the hub.. you can't put other wheel on it.. even breaking the lock will be difficult and take quite some time.. people look at my car and say wtf? no steering wheel? what's that lol :lol:


The Transporter
PogKai said:
nop, I have a lock, which locks the hub.. you can't put other wheel on it.. even breaking the lock will be difficult and take quite some time.. people look at my car and say wtf? no steering wheel? what's that lol :lol:
Is it a key?? Like this?
LOL! dude lock.jpg
Will own that massively! Oh and take time?? You would be shocked if you had that kit how easy and quick it is.


Non-Registered User
heh. i wouldnt. those things are realll easy to use. just finding the right spot in the hole.. the clit combo of the lock if you will...

no i will not.


The Transporter
PogKai said:
yeah its that one NRG.. I doubt you can pick it but oh well, at least you won't try in mine 8)
You didnt look at the link did you? It is NRG. Oh and like I said lock picking is easy. I do it to my buddies all the time as a joke.

LOOK! Their is even a "How stuff works" for it!! It has very good instructions too.

HAHAHAHA ^ is great!!


Non-Registered User
might as well turn this into a how people can jack your car thread lol.

when i was younger i lost the key to my moms THE CLUB steering wheel lock. it was about 2 am and they were sleeping. i didnt want to bother them so i just twisted the club right off.u can find a perfect spot


The Transporter
spikehairboy said:
might as well turn this into a how people can jack your car thread lol.

when i was younger i lost the key to my moms THE CLUB steering wheel lock. it was about 2 am and they were sleeping. i didnt want to bother them so i just twisted the club right off.u can find a perfect spot
Ya know what.. Maybe I should make a "Wanna know how they stole your car?" thread!


New Member
i agree we start one because integras are the # one most stolen cars in America for some years now.


Super Moderator
Yeah, lets teach people that don't know how to do it the best and quickest ways to steal your shit. :???:

I think anit-theft techniques would be a better idea, but I think that's already been done
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