So I've got some more issue that have popped up that need to be taken care of. I hope to have them done before the meet on the 2nd but It'll still drive and make it there either way.
Issue 1.
I've developed a pinging that occurs at RPM's over 4k and under load/WOT. If I'm not at WOT then there is no pinging. I just checked the valve lash the other day and re-adjusted it and that didn't take care of it. I originally set the ignition timing "by ear" (<--yeah yeah I know, don't give me crap for it) so I bought a timing light and will be checking that and adjusting it properly and hope that takes care of it. It is definitely coming from the head....not the block so that's a good sign. I think it is eaither bad ignition timing or (hopefully not) something wrong with a valve. I will know more soon.
Issue #2.
I have put on 3 different valve cover gasket kits and all three have leaked. I've tried OEM, Fel-Pro, and some other brand that I can't remember right now. They all have leaked in both the spark plug seals AND the main cover seal. The last one I even tried using a layer of liquid sealant in addition to the gaskets themselves and same issue. It leaks. Not too bad, but it's enough to get oil all over the place under the hood and ruin my engine paint job

I think I might actually try a different valve cover since that may be the cause of the whole issue. I don't it's 3 bad gasket kits in a row.
Issue #3.
I broke an axle boot. The axle is still fine but it sprayed grease all over the underside of the engine bay and now it does "pop" under heavy acceleration. It's not clicking in turns yet though. Will look into upgraded axles soon but I'm riding this one until it goes.
Issue #4.
The Holley TB is very touchy. It kinda "sticks" closed when not giving it gas. When you hit the gas pedal, there is no such thing as "feathering the throttle" or "taking it easy", it kinda snaps open and wants to rev up immediately. Ther is no easing into the throttle. I tried using some moly paste to lube it up and help the butterfly valve wear into the outer body which has helped a little but it's still very touchy.
That's pretty much the main problems I have for now. I guess things could be worse. Hope to have it all fixed by the meet but if not I'm still driving it there anyways