acceleration issue really need advice


New Member
For the past couple months ive been having issue after issue. I had codes for too lean and too rich and had a new cat installed to fix that issue along with a thermostat and fuel filter. But..... im having really annoying accelertation issues and its kinda random. Im getting a really bad gas smell whenever i have the car on and it randomly hesitates to accelerate mostly once the car warms up which is odd. And if i try to get the car up to v-tec, it hesitates even more which seems opposite of what vtec is meant to do. I know i need new exhaust gaskets but that cant be causing this issue. Anybody have any clue what i need to fix? I tried changing spak plugs and using fuel injector cleaner but no luck.

Also its a 2001 gsr

thanks guys


Boredest Member
Start with basics, check for codes. Hows gas mileage? Check for fuel leaks. Inspect and replace spark plugs if needed. Pull off your cap and rotor and inspect its condition, highly recommend replacing both if you have had them for a while. Im leaning toward some form of ignition issue. Google advanced ignition trouble shooting to test the distributor. Inspect the cap, rotor and spark plugs first as those are very easy.


I agree with the above comment. If your check engine light is on get that checked out first. If it's on, it's on for a reason. If you haven't done it before a basic tune-up including the distributor cap and rotor it could be in order.

On top of what we have already recommended, it should be obvious- but don't beat on your car and try to engage vtec if there is an issue with it. Revving up real high is not a good idea if you have a problem that needs addressed.


New Member
ok so i dont have cels of any osrt on. thats why im having so much trouble. Im getting a gas smell, but Im defintiely going to replace my cap and rotor asap. I had a friend look it over and we found an issue with coolant spewing out and over flowing when the radiator cap is off. But ive had my thermostat and water pump replaced very recently. Does anybody have thoughts on my issue with the coolant being a problem?


Well the radiator cap should be on when the car is running..

You may have a bent valve, or a bad head gasket- or something to that extent. Any milky oil?


New Member
yeah but we were bleedin it a bit and it just keeps bubbling and seems to get too hot. but the guage reads mid temp.
The oil gets dark pretty quick but i wouldnt say it milky. the head gasket actually sounds like it might be true whihch would suck
