ac hissing


New Member
i dont know what this hissing is but it happens on the passanger side a few days after a recharge then it goes ambient or hot blower fan works fine anyone know what it is or dealt with this. i need to diagnose and repair before spring


Not a M0derator
You have a leak. that's why you have to keep recharging it.
Plus leak means you have air in the system now which means you need to have the whole system vacuumed.


New Member
i did a vacuum test and it passed somehow no leak was detected i have reasonable suspicion to believe my ac system may have a purge valve and somthings triggering it


Did you check vacuum after or before the evaporator?


New Member
Don't go spraying any sealer type junk in your system. Hondas don't like it and a leak you can hear is a big leak. Look at all the connections on the left side should be two or three. I'm betting 75% one of those seals is bad. Under vvacuumed its pulled to gather sealing but under pressure its pushed apart leaking. How long of vacuumed did you run. How many micron did you get down to. Hopefully 500 or less.


New Member
i think it was 10 minutes it was tested on a computerized ac charging system not sure how that worked


New Member
Evap is probably bad or you have an o-ring leaking. However, I have also heard systems hiss that didn't have any leaks. My guess is it is because there is air in the lines.


New Member
Same machine we use. I agree its likely a o-ring bad. Since you have access to a good machine I assume you have access to a sniffer. Use that and look around