A look back at IntegrasAreBest's Teg


Super Moderator
I've been looking at getting another car for a project. I was thinking of another teg, but I'm leaning more towards an EG or EK hatch.


BBS wanted
g3teg97 said:
I've been looking at getting another car for a project. I was thinking of another teg, but I'm leaning more towards an EG or EK hatch.
Yeah me too but either a EF hatch or a DA or another 4dr


Super Moderator
I'd like to have a CRX as well. You could make that into a great sleeper and insurance would be dirt cheap.


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
jus make sure if you get a civic... get the best of the best... SI models


Honda / Acura Fanatic
ok here's the deal. im looking for a 92-95 hatch. i cant find any! i want to pick up the body cheap and my dad will back me up on this project once again( yeah!! i have to clean his bimmer every weekend and figure out what i want to go back to school for) so anybody near nj, pa, ct, ny, know of any cheap hatches out there.auto or stick ? or any da's.


1 bad LS
Damn, I feel for ya. And 2 top it off some grimey fuckin' theif raped it at the impound. It was a nice Tegg, good luck on another build. :cry: :angryfire