A look back at IntegrasAreBest's Teg


Honda / Acura Fanatic
here is what she used to be....

Thanks for watching! INTEGRASareBest will rise again! ! !
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Official CI Thread Jacker
sad story..nice pics...nice car...sorry for everything...i dont get it though people took shit off ur car?


Honda / Acura Fanatic
yup people stole shit off my car. i hate all the people working at that impound lot and i went off on them calling them the scum of the earth and other insults. i didnt say anything but i heard one of them say its that little spoiled kid again. so i got pissed.


Official CI Thread Jacker
o shit they stole shit off ur car ....thats fuked up....and its dirtbag ....where was this...u should of fuked some1 up


Honda / Acura Fanatic
just got a call at 10:20. friend overheard some kids bragging about taking " some fly shit" off an integra. more details will come soon. im going to go on a manhunt with my grandpops rifle with me.


Official CI Thread Jacker
ahhahaha thats my boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just aim for the leg...dont kill neone hahah jk jk


Honda / Acura Fanatic
thanks. im waiting to for my friends call right now. it looks as if he knows who did it, he's trying to trick them into showing them what they've got. i mean they could have at least respected the fact that somebody almost died in the crash and just leave everything in it alone. i told my mom about the missing stuff and she can't believe that a HUMAN BEING could stoop so low.

Ominous G2

they stole your Volks, that should be punishable by death. Howd they get your rims, I thought you got those locks? Hope you find that dick.


new driver
Ominous G2 said:
they stole your Volks, that should be punishable by death. Howd they get your rims, I thought you got those locks? Hope you find that dick.
stealing volks in my personal jurisdiction book is also punishable by death (over 18) or severe beating (if under 18 minor)....i share my respects.


Honda / Acura Fanatic
volks were'nt stolen. the centercaps in the box were stolen. the volks are now the property of the insurance company and my insurance company said ill be handsomely compensated for my volks and seats.

Ominous G2

your insurance company took your wheels and seats?? Why? I wonder if they want to sell them.