94 Integra T3 Turbo <--What do u think?

94tegT3 turbo

New Member
I didn't mean valve cover, i meant sparkplug cover. SO the only thing i have thats vtec is the head gaskets u can't see from just looking at the engine. I never said the whole engine was VTEC :roll:


New Member
er...but if you've added a VTEC head, that sorta makes it a VTEC motor. you can't just run the VTEC head by itself...

in ley-man terms, as soon as you dropped that VTEC head on, you added VTEC to your motor. it effects the entire motor...not just the "head gaskets." therefore...its a VTEC motor now.

you very possibly do own the things you do, and just don't know car termonology very well, instead you have a lot of money and had other ppl do the work for you. which is all fine, just would explain why you don't seem to know much about the motor itself.


you don't have it at all, and just named a bunch of big named brands/parts and then as soon as someone called you on the cams, you freaked and tried to cover up your slip.

either way, its your 'car' real or not...its yours.

94tegT3 turbo

New Member
That's what i was trying to say . Everybody has their own opinion, but im happy about my car's turnout with the rebuilt engine.


New Member
that's an awful lot of money spent on a car, man. do you run drugs or something after school? :D

eh, dont answer that... none of my business. im just gonna ignore this thread.

94tegT3 turbo

New Member
Nah actually my cousins car club generously let me use their dicount and sponsors to buy parts for 50%-80% what thry're really worth. But some parts i just simply found off ebay.


New Member
94tegT3 turbo said:
Nah actually my cousins car club generously let me use their dicount and sponsors to buy parts for 50%-80% what thry're really worth. But some parts i just simply found off ebay.


this thread is pretty interesting, yur story every single time!!! whats up with that,,,
but if you say so.. :2confused


I'll tea bag your face!!
94tegT3 turbo said:
I can have all the components of a vtec jsut not have it say vtec. I took the vavle cover off. I'll make u believe me when i get pics of it after it has been painted.
B18B/A valve covers wont fit on a VTEC head dude. the VTEC solenoid gets in the way. as mentioned earlier skunk2 doesnt make cams for B18B/A's and your going to need more than a T3 turbocharger to turbo your "LS/non-VTEC B18B/C".... but good luck. :roll:
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