92 tranny problem... HELP!!


New Member
I think the dude was simply asking questions about his tranny--but thanks for all the information about which LS motor came with which year Integra.

anyway though, in terms of interchangability with the CABLE trannys I would suggest the JDM first gen bb16 LSD YS1 tranny.

Then there's the YS1--93 GSR
Y1---very very short gears
S1--LS I believe
and I think there is a J1.

Don't qoute me, but I use to have a ef sedan with GSR swap so trannys were an important part for me. I ran the LSD YS1 off the first gen b16 and it was sweet.

NOTE: These trannys have a reputation with 3rd gear grinding. I don't know what it is with these trannys but from first hand experience--it sucks--but managable.

Good luck!
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New Member
Nah uh, I have a 93 GSR YS1 in my DB1, The gears are very short. My top speed is 124MPH. And 80MPH is about 4.5K RPM.

You get faster acceleration but it kills your gas mileage.


New Member
I dont have a B17 or the GSR ECU to keep the RPMs lower.

What's going on with my G2 is what will happen if you just slap on a GSR transmission into a LS.


Wow talk about all sorts of wrongness, so after all that does this poor kid even know what's going on.


Sooo back to the original topic. It could be a possibility that your thorw out bearing is going. I highly doubt your tranny is going, and wouldn't reccomend replacing it. If you are over 100k and it's still has the stock clutch replacing it with the tob would be a good idea. Also your trouble getting it into first is common with those old s1/a1 trannys, I always would put it in reverse, rev a little, then put it back into first and it should go in without a problem. You do have a cable tranny and you do have a b18a1. If you do buy a clutch make sure you get it for the 92 and up tranny because the 90-91 trannys had a smaller spline.

On the side Wiki is a stupid place to look up these kind of specs.


New Member
you can also get a da6 tranny and it bolts right up it just has shorter gears


New Member
I have a 92 rs stock with a b18a1 I just love how some people talk so much shit thinking they know everything about everything & done everything sit back & think some more shit up lol!!!!!!


New Member
Ok... where to start.... umm B18a1 in 93-90 integras, Changing out your trans is what will mess with your rpms not your ecu.