90 LS stumbling acceleration, Please Help!!!!


New Member
I have a 1990 Acura Integra LS, and I have a stumbling in acceleration problem.
When I am driving it like usual, I will shift into first gear and it seems like it wants to bog down before accelerating. Even while I am driving it when it is in high RPM'S it still seems like it wants to struggle to move up in speed.
This is what I have done to is so far:
New Fuel filter
New Distributor
New Alternator
New AC
New Fuel regulator
New Idol Air Control Valve
New Timing belt/ Water Pump/ Timing is not off
New Harmonic Balancer
New TP Sensor
New PVC Valve
Spark plugs are probably a year old.
Spark plug wires have not been replaced as of yet.
O2 Sensor has not been replaced as of yet.
I am just trying to figure out what is going on so I can get it fixed, so if anyone can help me that would be great.


Looking for my next Teg..
ok you mentioned that timing is not off... that may or may not be true... when you set mechanical timing did you jumper the ECU service port or not.

Failing to do so would ause your timing to be off even though it looks right.

Also... where did you buy your new distributor from? Is it the correct distributor? If you got an ebay dizzy.. chances are it may not be quite the correct one. ( I learned this the hard way... part number was right, but the timing was off)


New Member
No I bought the distributor from AutoZone, and no I did not jump the ECU service port. Thanks, if there is anything else you or anyone can think of just let me know.


New Member
My 92 is doing the same thing I've had to adjust my dizzy back all the way and it seemed to pep it back up

Are you sure you're checking the timing by the TDC mark and not the ignition timing marks?
Did you calibrate the TPS when you put it on?
Is the firing order correct?
Is the spark plug gap correct? Are they the correct plugs?


Also, Bad spark plug wires will cause stumbling when you really step on it, had it happen to me on 3 different cars. It also seams to be constant, not random.


New Member
Thank you guys for the information. I have done the tune up and it seems to run a lot better... Again thanks.
