6k or 5k hid's

iDrive a GS-R

New Member
Your best bet is to buy them off someone that is selling them for about $80 a kit. They are simple plug and play.

I installed the 2 ballasts in the fender and did a half-ass wire tuck.

This picture was taken last year and since then, I have found a way to completely hide the wire but...

They fit in just like any other bulb. Are you going to get 2 kits or just 1?
i am going to just get 1 kit 6k for the lows because i want mine exactly how u have it, it looks nice


New Member
If you want a nice bright White light get 6000K in the 55W kit from DDM tuning. Ill post up pics if you want.

When you go with the 55W kits the 6000k looks like the 5000k 35W. The most light output is the pure white. More than the yellow or the blue. So 35W 5000K or 55W 6000k.
