Well everyone it looks like the meet is still on for this Sunday Oct 21st at 12:00!!! I just wanted a few reminders about the meet and any last info you might need to know, here we go!
Location = Maple Grove Park "not Racetrack!!" its directy across the street. We will have a sign pointing to the meet when you see the racetrack at the split in the road!
Cost = $1 per car, please bring singles to make it easier and a faster process. We will be collecting the money and handing out the raffle tickets at the blue tent when you first come in. We will stick a dot on your window showing you paid, this will also let us keep track of how many Hondas/Acuras are at the meet. The raffle will start at around 3:00ish at the tent, we have about 10-15 items to raffle off.
Parking = We will once again be parking by Model at the meet. We will have Civic/Integra/other and non honda parking. Please work with the people parking you. The people running the meet with have a black or gray shirt on with a Team Ko logo on the front. So if any issue please see one of them
Vendors = Any vendors who will be at the meet please arrive at 11:00 or sooner. There is a small fee for vendors also, please email
gepetto411@teamko.net if you have not done so.
Food = Maple Grove restaurant will be the food source, there prices are pretty good but the service is a little slow. We spoke to them this year about getting more cooks for the meet and they are supposed to so hopefully will be faster then last year.
Stupid behavior = Anyone caught doing anything stupid at the meet "Burnouts, blasting radios, flying around etc etc", will be ask to leave the meet. We will call the cops without hesitation, so please do not do anything stupid. If you want to race around or act like a ass please do it FAR away from the meet!! I also ask that anyone who knows anyone doing anything that might get them in trouble to please tell them to stop. This meet is RUN by everyone who attends so I ask everyone to pitch in. Also please do not leave trash around the park, we have plenty of trash cans floating around.
I think that sums it up! Everyone have fun and drive SAFE!!!!