I checked out your thread from your link. And yes, Hell yes you got a good deal. Mine I got from an owner off Craigslist and paid 3500. And realise mine is 5 years older than yours, and has 40xxx more miles. As far as your questions : radio: its all a matter of your choice. Go to best buy, car toys, Walmart. Just check some out that have the features you want. Pioneer, and Kenwood are good brands I've had in the past and present. Prolonging life: REGULARLY CHANGE YOUR OIL!!!! I know simple, but you'd be surprised how many people don't do it. Also, how hard do you drive? Hammer on it, drive up to or at higher rpms, stuff like that? I ask because putting a different oil in it could help. What type of oil is in it now? Or do you know? If you don't, do not add just any oil. You should change your oil (when it needs it) that way you can put in all the same type of oil (synthetic, blend, or regular).