2006 RSX type-S DC5 straight pipe exhaust


Resident G2 Guru of C-I
i have driven 2 of the new RSX-S's. one was an 05 and the other was an 06. both of which was extremely easy to chirp third in. 05 seemed easier, because i wasn't even trying and anytime i laid into it, it would chirp 3rd. 06 felt a little smoother.

06 Si's are easy as hell to chirp third also. also kinda feels faster than a type-s but i think i was just stoked to be drivin an 06 Si. I must admit though that the RSX-S is a higher quality vehicle, but come on, its an acura. more luxurious than a regular honda.


Official CI Thread Jacker
i will have to agree with honda god...i have driven my bros 05 type s with CAI and CAtback exhaust.....chirping third isnt even a struggle...u dont even have to bang gears to do it....